As the story begins in 1866, a mysterious sea monster, theorized by the persona to be a giant narwhal, is sighted by ships of several nationsThe United States government finally assembles an expedition in New York City to track down and destroy the menace. Professor Pierre Aronnax, a noted French marine biologist and narrator of the story,is issued a last-minute invitation to join the expedition, and he accepts. Canadian master harpoonist Ned Land and Aronnax's faithful assistant Conseil are also brought on board.
The expedition sets sail from Brooklyn aboard a naval ship called the Abraham Lincoln, which travels down around the tip of South America and into the Pacific Ocean. After much fruitless searching, the monster is found, and the ship charges into battle. During the fight, the ship's steering is damaged, and the three protagonists are thrown overboard. They find themselves stranded on the "hide" of the creature, only to discover to their surprise that it is a large metal construct. They are quickly captured and brought inside the vessel, where they meet its enigmatic creator and commander, Captain Nemo.
At the end of the story, the submarine encountered with a Maelstrom, a whirlpool off the coast of Norway. This gives the three prisoners an opportunity to escape; they make it back to land alive, but the fate of Captain Nemo and his crew is not revealed.
This book is a very unique as it depicts Captain Nemo as a person with 2 personalities. During the death of one of his crew, he is depicted as a caring and weak guy but at the start of the story when the persona and his servant was captures, he attempted to kill them and was shown to be very cruel and evil. I would strongly recommend this easy to understand book which is very interesting and fascinating.
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