Monday, July 26, 2010

Some poems


Stubborn Kean Murphy
Trying to act cool and hot
on a one-legged chair.
Bang!He had a ba-la-ku
And he wasnt cool anymore


Proud Patrick Murphy
sat on the chair with one leg
thought he won't fall down
Suddenly he fall backwards
and his face turned beet red

one plus one is two
two plus two is one plus three
two and three makes five
Why one times one equals one?
Course two times two equals four!


You will fall down!
If you sit on one leg
Kean fall down right after and we
laugh loud!

My Limerick

Where did that boy come from?
Why doesn't he have the consent form?
If you want to save him from our teacher Ms Taibary,
Go photocopy a piece of that at the Libary!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Book review of Mr Mystery #8

The book is about a teenager and his friends trying to probe into an unsolved murder in Sydney . Before they know it, they were swept into an underworld plot to find stolen money and settle old debts.